Birthday game in English

Lina Descrets birthday game!

You play the game like this. 
1. What color are your clothes?
2. What day of the month are you born?
3. Which month?
4. Make a sentence.
Exsample: My birthday is 24th of march and I am wearing a green sweater.
So my birthday gift is this:
Tea slaps you with hunger in his eyes.
Thanks, thanks a lot Tea…you scare me.
Have fun trying. 🙂
What color are your clothes? 
Red -Plea
Purple-Rita the reporter
Another-DesWhat day of the month are you born?1. gives you Create-ice cream
2. creates a puppy for you
3. destroys you
4. has you transported to Credes
5. bakes you cake
6. terrifies you with stories of the blood cabbage monster
7. gives you a book
8. steals your soul
9. pour licorice over you
10. plays sunball with you
11. creates gold for you
12. gives you a hug
13. threatens you
14. gives you permisson to wath your favourite tv show
15. kisses you
16. turns you around
17. tell your fortune
18. makes you stand in the corner
19. scolds you
20. sings for you
21. dances for you
22. gives you birthday present
23. has flies follow you
24. slaps you
25. polishes your glasses
26. uses you a labrat
27. spits on you
28. makes you climb the tree
29. flies with you
30. creates a ball for you
31. uses you a model for his/her drawingWich month?

1. January: while laughing uncontrollably
2. Febuary: while his tears streams down his cheeks like waterfalls
3. March: with hunger in his eyes
4. April:  because you deserved it
5. May: because you wanted to
6. June: because it’s your birthday
7. July:  because you are a destroyer
8. Agust:  because you are creator
9. September: because you destroyed his library
10. October: because you are adorable
11. November: with lot of love
12. Desember: while gloating

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